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Automated Temperature and Mask Detection Solution

The ideal Covid-19 prevention solution for building access

Solutions for Building Security

Now that many shops, offices and institutions are re-opening again after the Corona lockdown, many businesses are faced with the need to provide the best possible protection for their staff and customers. Face masks and body temperature checks play an important part in the protection effort.

While this is already done routinely and at a large scale at airports or railway stations, many businesses and institutions are struggling to meet the challenge. Face mask monitoring often requires additional staff resources. At the same time, body temperature checks by staff come with certain risks in terms of hygiene and data privacy.

Thermoscan, mask detection and intercom

working seamlessly together to safe staff, customers and visitors.

The compact solution for any access control environment

Designed for lobbies and indoor entrances, the solution package consists of a freely placeable pillar with built-in touch screen display unit, complete with integrated IR-thermometer (thermoscan) and dual video camera. The solution interfaces seamlessly with existing door opener mechanisms to provide fully automated controlled access.

User interaction is very easy and straightforward: graphical instructions shown on the touch screen guide users through the scanning process, which takes only a few seconds. The result is instantly shown on the screen. If both requirements are met, access is granted. Persons who are not wearing a face mask are requested to do so by acoustic and visual prompts. In case the scanned temperature is in the fever range, the device automatically triggers a call to service staff. In case of problems, users can also initiate a support call via the terminal.

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Key benefits:

  • Fully automated monitoring of compliance with face mask and body temperature requirements
  • Reliable detection within seconds
  • Contact surfaces (touch screen) are easy to clean and disinfect
  • Customisable system response and audio/video communication in case of non-compliance
  • Touch screen with self-explanatory audio/video interaction for guiding users through the entire scanning process
  • Saves staff resources
  • Avoids potential hygiene and data privacy risks, thanks to fully automated, data protection compliant technology


Features and functions

  • Mobile design for flexible placement in or in front of buildings
  • 7 inch touch screen with built-in thermal and video cameras (temperature measurement precision ± 0,3 °C)
  • Easy plug-and-play installation using regular power and network connections
  • All components are IP capable
  • Voice control with additional visual prompts to ensure correct face position (lower display unit)
  • Face mask recognition can be disabled as needed
  • Integrated control contact for automated actuation of turnstile gates, doors, barriers, etc
  • Package includes IP-based query terminal with TFT touch screen for user interaction and video display

Concerto Intercom Module with perfect user guidance

Easy, fast and reliable

Concerto Intercom Module
Thermoscan Access Solution - Face Scanning Thermoscan Solution - Access approved Thermoscan Solution - Help call Thermoscan Solution - No Mask Thermoscan Solution - High Temperature


Scanning unit and Intercom unit integrated into an aluminium pillar on a stainless steel plate

  • Aluminium pillar on a stainless steel pallet
  • Scanning/measuring unit with integrated thermal & video cameras and TFT display, including power adapter
  • Intercom unit with camera and TFT touch screen for user guidance
  • ID5 TD desk station for the occupied position (interrogation unit)
  • Actuator box for automated access control
  • 2 × 15 m patch cable for pillar; 1 × 3 m patch cable for query terminal
  • Parametrisation software included
  • Solution comes completely pre-configured and ready to use

Pillar Extension

  • Extension for further accesss, without interrogation unit

Scanning unit with holding frame for mounting on counters/customer windows, turnstile gates or desktops

  • Scanning/measuring unit with integrated thermal & video cameras and TFT display, including power adapter
  • Holding frame for installation on counters, turnstiles or desktops
  • Intercom unit with camera and TFT touch screen for user guidance
  • ID5 TD desk station for the occupied position (interrogation unit)
  • Actuator box for automated access control
  • 2 × 15 m patch cable for scanning/measuring unit; 1 × 3 m patch cable for query terminal
  • Parametrisation software included
  • Solution comes completely pre-configured and ready to use

Extension for installation in counters etc.

  • Extension for further accesss, without interrogation unit
Would you like to learn more about this Access Control Solution? We are looking forward to your request!

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