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Interface Overview

Short profile

Discover how Cisco technology creates a world of opportunities.

Cisco technology provides solutions, innovation, inspiration, troubleshooting, and security to help you find the path to the possible.

  • Cisco Network Solutions
    Intent-based networking is changing the way you connect people and technology.
  • Cisco Security
    Where security is paramount, today's fully networked world feels safe and secure.
  • Cisco Collaboration
    The intuitive way of working changes the way your teams work together.
  • Cisco Internet of Things
    Being networked means being informed. Gain insights and act on the basis of data.
  • Cisco Data Center
    Guided by intention. Based on context. Enables applications that create stronger connections.
  • Cisco Service Provider
    Open, automated, programmable and manufacturer-independent networks.

Source: Cisco Website (08.07.2020)

Telephone (PBX)

Interface Overview