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City Information Kiosks and Help Points

Safe and Smart City Solutions

Which way to Smart City? Information Kiosks and Help Points for Citizens and Tourists

These days, tourists, too, like to travel the ‘smart’ way. Printed city maps and brochures have long been replaced with apps and touch screens, with all the resulting advantages: easy route planning, pin-point navigation, with accurate information along the way.  Relevant details are available at the tap of a finger, as are travel blogs, guest ratings, sightseeing rankings, and much more. It’s easy information exchange between users all the way.

Putting cities in the limelight

Interactive information displays ensure a proper presentation of the city, bringing important issues into focus and highlighting attractive events for tourists and citizens, even providing them with hot tips and insider knowledge.

Latest news and event announcements, commercial offers, complemented by weather, traffic and travel information: the possibilities of putting the city and its surroundings in a visitor-friendly limelight are extremely versatile. Commend Smart City solutions are designed specifically to put this potential to optimum use – for example, with fully integrated audio/video Intercom in info kiosks or terminals. The devices come with convenient interactive displays and offer direct call connections, e.g. to a tourist office or emergency call centre – all at the simple push (or tap) of a button.

But there is more to the terminals than just that – the accommodating structures (e.g., help point pillars) often double as e-bike charging stations or storage compartments for emergency defibrillators. Here, too, Commend solutions can lend a helping hand – for example, by automatically launching a call to the security or medical centre whenever the defibrillator is used. This way, users can receive technical instructions and request medical assistance. What is more, the automatic removal alarms help to prevent misuse (e.g. pranks).

Tourists / Citizens

  • Display of tourist information: city maps, places of interest, routes, events, public transport timetables, room booking services, and much more
  • Display of city information
  • Voice communication for requesting information or assistance, hiring a taxi, etc.
  • Extra security thanks to direct call connections to first responders in emergency situations
  • DDA/ADA compliant communication for persons with hearing impairments

City / Tourism Agency

  • Custom designable presentation and placement of required content
  • Positive user experience for tourists, thanks to support in exploring the city while enjoying extra safety and fast response in an emergency
  • Convenient access to assistance and information via visual, acoustic and touch interaction
  • Additional commercial use of displays for advertisements

Police / Emergency Services

  • City-wide instant reaction in emergency and crisis situations, thanks to two-way audio/video communication with persons on-site (‘Talking Cameras’).
  • Automatic identification of caller location
  • Fast situational assessment based on automatically activated video streams from nearby cameras
  • Direct communication enabling verification, situational awareness and broadcasting of instructions
  • Integration of emergency service radio communication


  • Intercom modules for building information kiosks incl. touch screen support
  • Simple, elegant integration of Intercom modules in information kiosks and help points
  • Modular components with loudspeaker, camera, microphone, induction loop amplifier for DDA/ADA compliant communication, etc.
  • Equipment according to requirements, e.g. only with individual call buttons, with touchscreen or in combination
  • Call triggering via third-party system (digital signage), API, ...

Find out more

Contact us and see for yourself in a personal demonstration (optionally) our versatile solutions for Help Points and Information Displays.
