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COPA-DATA to Commend Intercom Systems

COPA-DATA is an independent manufacturer of software for industrial and energy automation. Its software platform zenon is implemented in many industries.

Interface Overview

Short profile

COPA-DATA is an independent manufacturer of software for industrial and energy automation. Its software platform zenon is implemented in many industries.

COPA-DATA is an independent software manufacturer that specializes in digitalization for the manufacturing industry and energy sector. Its zenon® software platform enables users worldwide to automate, manage, monitor, integrate and optimize machines, equipment, buildings and power grids. COPA-DATA combines decades of experience in automation with the potential of digital transformation. In this way, the company supports its customers to achieve their objectives more easily, faster and more efficiently.

The family-owned business was founded by Thomas Punzenberger in 1987 in Salzburg, Austria. In 2020, with more than 300 employees worldwide, it generated revenue of EUR 54 million.

A sales network of international distributors and 13 subsidiaries ensures that the software is marketed worldwide. More than 300 certified partner companies further support end users with the efficient implementation of the software, particularly in the key industries of food & beverage, energy & infrastructure, automotive and pharmaceutical.

Interface Overview