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Commend Intercom Interoperability to Digium Asterisk

In today’s fast-paced world, Sangoma believes organizations can achieve greater levels of success by having access to powerful, affordable communications solutions from a reliable partner. Building tomorrow’s solutions will help the world to connect and collaborate in new ways.

Interface Overview

Short profile

In today’s fast-paced world, Sangoma believes organizations can achieve greater levels of success by having access to powerful, affordable communications solutions from a reliable partner. Building tomorrow’s solutions will help the world to connect and collaborate in new ways.

Digium®, Inc. provides Asterisk® software, telephony hardware, and Switchvox business phone systems that deliver enterprise-class Unified Communications (UC) at an affordable price. Asterisk is a communications engine that transforms commodity computers into powerful communications servers. Asterisk is free and open source software. Digium is the creator and primary sponsor of the Asterisk project. Asterisk hardware, training, and support packages are available through Digium.

Source: Digium Website (08.07.2020)

Telephone (PBX)

Interface Overview