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elasoft Interfaces to Commend Intercom Systems

By developing GEMOS, the successful facility management and organisation system, ela-soft has become an established market and technology leader in the building services sector.

Interface Overview

Short profile

By developing GEMOS, the successful facility management and organisation system, ela-soft has become an established market and technology leader in the building services sector.

Since 1990, ela-soft has been developing manufacturer-neutral management systems for security, building and communication technology. With the successful GEMOS system, which integrates all the technical subsystems into a central, simple-to-operate interface, ela-soft counts amongst the market and technology leaders in this sector. At the Head Office in Berlin, and at the branches in Offenbach and Velbert, highly-qualified employees are involved in the development of specialized software and hardware solutions, and offer service and project control close to the customer during the system start-up phase. 

Over 750 implemented interfaces and more than 1000 installed systems prove the years of experience and the success of the products from ela-soft.

  • Physical security and Building and communication information management systems
  • Integration and interface management
  • Access control systems
  • Monitoring systems

Integrated systems 

  • Fire, intrusion detection and danger alarm systems
  • Access control and emergency exit control systems
  • Audio, media and video systems
  • Radio, personal emergency and communication systems
  • Building, electric and messaging management systems

 Interface management

  • Security systems
  • Building management systems
  • Communications systems
  • Database connection
Access Control
Building Management
Input Monitoring
Output Controlling
Security Management

Interface Overview