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Latest news about integrated communication solutions

Building Security – Building Trust

  • 06/24/2024
  • Solution News

We spend over 75% of our lives in buildings, which shows that the importance of safety and smart operation of these cannot be overstated. 

Commend's ...

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An Award-Winning New Solution

  • 04/24/2024
  • Solution News, Company News

For the second time in a row, the expert jury of the US Security Industry Association chose a Commend product as the winner of their “Best in...

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Modernise without Compromise

  • 04/08/2024
  • Solution News
How to take on-prem Commend solutions to the cutting edge of cyber-security with VirtuoSIS
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Next Stop: Public Transport Communications

  • 12/01/2023
  • Solution News

Millions of commuters rely daily on various modes of public transportation, expecting prompt assistance and safety. Our communication solutions,...

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Connecting the World

  • 11/02/2023
  • Solution News

In the midst of the bustling terminals and dynamic skies of an airport, it is important to ensure that passengers can navigate their way with ease....

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Protect, Prevent, Prevail

  • 09/27/2023
  • Solution News

In today's digital world, cybercrime is a top concern for businesses. Especially with regulations like NIS2, CISA and others demanding high security...

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Trusted Communication for Car Parks, with cloud-powered ease and security

  • 06/15/2023
  • Product News, Solution News
Find out how a Symphony Cloud Parking Solution can reduce costs and increase revenue for your business...
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The (Wind) Power of Clear Communicaton

  • 05/23/2023
  • Solution News

Wind turbines, especially offshore ones, are complex and can reach heights of up to 200 meters. Maintaining them is time-consuming and comes with...

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