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Commend News

Latest news about integrated communication solutions

Spring into Security: Updates to VirtuoSIS and ComPLC

  • 06/12/2024
  • Product News, VirtuoSIS, ComPLC
Commend Unveils Major Updates to VirtuoSIS and ComPLC for Enhanced Security and Efficiency
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A New Harmony of System Management in Symphony Cloud

  • 06/05/2024
  • Symphony Blog, Product News

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new System Management in Symphony Cloud at the end of June. It is designed to offer a clearer overview, g...

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Stay Connected Even When Unavailable

  • 09/20/2023
  • Symphony Blog, Product News

To enhance the user experience and ensure uninterrupted communication, our Symphony Cloud comes now with customisable call forwarding rules. Call...

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id8 - Mastering Trusted Communication at Your Fingertips

  • 07/31/2023
  • News, Symphony Blog, Product News

Introducing our newest product: the id8 control desk, powered by Commend Symphony technology. With advanced features and direct dialing buttons, id8 t...

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Silent Alarms and Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems

  • 06/27/2023
  • Product News

Emergency workers often lack crucial information when intervening from the outside, for example in the case of a physical attack on a person. This...

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Trusted Communication for Car Parks, with cloud-powered ease and security

  • 06/15/2023
  • Product News, Solution News
Find out how a Symphony Cloud Parking Solution can reduce costs and increase revenue for your business...
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Symphony Web Client

  • 04/14/2023
  • Symphony Blog, Product News

Can you imagine an Intercom station that you can take with you, wherever you are?

The Symphony Web Client is exactly that: An Intercom station for...

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The World's First Conversational AI-based Intercom Voice Assistant

  • 04/06/2023
  • Symphony Blog, Product News

Ivy is the world's first conversational AI-based Intercom voice assistant designed to assist control room employees with routine tasks such as...

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