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Nedap Interfaces to Commend Intercom Systems

First people, then technology. We are Nedap: a tech company with people knowledge. We provide job satisfaction and enjoyment at work. Our technology makes people more productive, and organisations more efficient. We help companies make better use of the talents and potential of their employees.

Interface Overview

Short profile

First people, then technology. We are Nedap: a tech company with people knowledge. We provide job satisfaction and enjoyment at work. Our technology makes people more productive, and organisations more efficient. We help companies make better use of the talents and potential of their employees.

At Nedap, we trust in the diversity of people and organisations. We develop technology that helps people be more productive in their work by better matching their individual talents and capabilities. This makes employees happier and organisations more successful.

We are convinced that people and organisations can achieve more than even they think possible. There is always room to grow. That’s why we do everything we can to understand what people need in order to excel in their work.

Creativity, technological knowledge and boundless curiosity about what makes people successful are the most important pillars of our company. We’re here to ensure that people and organisations perform optimally.

Source: Nedap Website (07.07.2020)

Access Control

Interface Overview