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PKE Interfaces to Commend Intercom Systems

PKE was founded in 1979 and is active both in Austria and internationally. The company is 100% privately operated and entirely in Austrian hands.

Interface Overview

Short profile

PKE was founded in 1979 and is active both in Austria and internationally. The company is 100% privately operated and entirely in Austrian hands.

Over the last few years, PKE has grown from a medium-sized company to a corporate group with more than 1,400 employees and an annual sales volume of €230 million.
The corporate headquarters of PKE is in Vienna and, with an additional 6 branch offices throughout Austria, PKE is able to offer its entire portfolio anywhere in the country.

In Europe, PKE is primarily focused on German-speaking neighboring countries, which are served by more than twelve German and four Swiss branches, and on the growth markets in Central and Eastern Europe. We are on the ground in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia with our own subsidiaries and, after a series of demanding showpiece projects, we are among the leading manufacturer-neutral solution providers.

Source: PKE Website (06.07.2020)

Access Control
Security Management
Video Management

Interface Overview