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Commend Professional Services

Let our experts help, so your system is deployed quickly, efficiently, and most reliably

Designed with our customers in mind, these comprehensive, cost effective Professional Services provide a high level of technical support and ongoing value.


  • System configuration backup
  • Prioritised tech support
  • Remote updates for your software version
  • Covering all Commend products

More about SLA

Commend Software Maintenance Agreements (SMA)

  • Studio suite, Virtuosis, S3 & S6 server software upgrades
  • Keep your system up to date with the latest software features
  • Stay secure with the latest cyber & data security updates
  • SLA included

More about SMA

Commend Programming Services (CPS)

  • Pre configuration & detailed documentation
  • Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
  • Remote support & technical assistance

More about CPS

Commend Technical Training

  • E-Learning platform
  • In-house training
  • On-site training

More about Training

Commend Service Level Agreements (SLA)

The Commend Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have been designed to provide ongoing support for all Commend systems and clients. Effectively and efficiently responding to ongoing requirements while keeping systems updated within the installed version.


  • Firmware updates to the latest supplied version
  • Remote support and technical assistance on demand
  • Commend system and backup management including documentation
  • Immediate response time & efficient technical support
  • Covers all Commend products


  • Priority phone & e-mail support as per your requirements
  • Dedicated technical support with remote access
  • Firmware & Software updates within supplied version
  • Back-up of system configuration files
  • Annual System health check

Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)

Access to new functionality & security features providing additional benefits to clients. This includes the latest enhancements for Virtuosis & the Studio suite, keeping your system up to date & secure. The most cost effective way of keeping your system up to date and secure.

VirtuoSIS and Studio

  • Latest features for increasing operational efficiency
  • Enhanced security
  • Transparent and fixed costs
  • Highly cost effective
  • Upgrade to latest version


  • Path to newest Commend technology and software upgrades
  • Take advantage of latest technology
  • Benefit from security advancements such as Commends ISO:27001 certification

Commend Programming Services (CPS)

Configuring systems to meet customer’s requirements. Optimising the system for plug and play operation - setting up call routing, input-output actions, individual device labelling, call transfers, interfaces and integrations. Full system backup kept secure for future expansions and changes. Comprehensive set of product manuals and project specific documentation provided.

Tech Support

  • One year SLA with technical support provided with every pre-configured system
  • Specialised remote support for technicians

Pre-configuration Programming

  • Commend System(s) pre-configured to meet the customer’s requirements
  • Complete system backup stored in secure location
  • In-house Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) with Quality Assurance (QA) signed off by project engineer


  • Peace of mind that the system will be pre-configured to meet your requirements & timeline
  • Plug and play capability reducing on-site commissioning time

Commend Technical Training

The Commend Academy provides Commend clients with up to date and concise technical training on the Commend solutions and products range. With Commend’s new Polygon E-learning platform, an annual subscription allows technicians to become certified via our interactive E-learning platform. Technicians now have the ability to stay up to date with lastet new product and technology launches. Plus, upon certification, technicians gain access to the training modules and documentation anytime.

For In-house & On-site technical training, please contact our office

For more details and to register, please visit our

Training Area

On Demand Training

If you want flexibility and to decide for yourself when, where and how you learn, then Training on Demand is exactly the right thing for you.

The acquisition of advanced technical skills requires specific education or training, often with a hands-on learning component and many advanced topical elements.

This form of learning is a method based on modules. Content from classic classroom training is taught in the original learning environments with manufacturer's documentation and exercise units in manufacturer-monitored quality.

  • Certified Commend Module Training
  • Dealer Specific Training

Project Specific Training

  • Certified Commend Training
  • System Configuration Training
  • End User Training

Additional Offerings Coming 2020

  • Advanced Training
  • Studio Training
  • PLC Training
  • Webinar Training
  • Cloud Training
  • SIP Serverless training