Quality & Environmental Management
Customer Satisfaction: The Driving Force behind Commend for more than 50 Years (and Counting)
Whether we innovate, create or update – it’s always with our customers, their needs, wants and preferences in mind and their trust as our most prized goal.
In order to be able to meet these needs, we aim to create a working environment that motivates all employees to ensure and continuously improve the quality of products and solutions that our customers require. These customer requirements define the standards of our own company, and they also serve as a yardstick for the selection of our suppliers and vendors.
Our quality standards for a new product are designed to match or exceed those of the best solutions available on the market. We are also passionate about the environment and sustainability, and are committed to climate-friendly, environmentally conscious and socially responsible solutions.
Continuous improvement of the working environment, as well as a positive corporate culture and a natural openness towards potential improvement form the solid basis for quality and sustainability initiatives at Commend International.

ISO 9001:2015
Commend International – Certified by BVQI
Quality First
If there’s one motto to describe our approach to quality it’s that at Commend we like to put quality first – and make it last.
Superior product quality is no coincidence. That’s why we invest a lot of quality ingredients in it to begin with. Things like high-quality standards in managing workflows, careful selection of high-end materials, suppliers and production equipment, and a high level of professional expertise and training.
As for the “make it last” part, one essential ingredient is our Evergreen Technology approach for long-term backward compatibility. The other one is our passion and dedication to surprising our customers with ever-new levels of quality for their benefit.
Quality Management is responsible for sustaining and improving required processes and methods throughout the company. This includes reporting on the performance of our systems, as well as promoting customer awareness among Commend International employees worldwide.
In addition, Quality Management represents the interests of in-house customers and suppliers.
An essential element in the control of the continuous improvement process are our quality goals, which are reviewed, negotiated within the departments and defined on an annual basis. In its efforts to implement and further develop these goals in the long run, Quality Management is actively supported by the executive management and put into daily practice by all members of the Commend International team.
Meeting customer demands and complying with legal and regulatory requirements is what allows Commend International to market its products and services successfully in the global marketplace.
It is therefore a key responsibility of all process owners and departments to align internal processes with customer requirements while maintaining efficiency and profitability.
All quality assurance measures in place in the individual departments of Commend International are defined in consultation with executive management in accordance with uniform principles based on company-wide quality guidelines.
Achieving a high level of quality is one thing. Being able to maintain and raise that level is what really counts.
As customer demands grow, so does the need to meet them at their expected level. In meeting these demands, we make sure that no aspect is neglected or left to stagnate within our quality management framework. Managing quality is a holistic job that covers every process. That’s why our quality management engines keep running througout all our processes and workflows – always ready to improve and shift into higher gear. To help staff keep up with quality-focussed changes and improvements, we keep our Quality Management Manual alive and updated from time to time to reflect latest changes
Sustainability Focus
We are actively committed to preserving our natural environment for future generations by integrating environmentally compatible business practices wherever possible. This includes measures such as:
- Waste minimisation: Our processes are designed specifically to combine a minimum of waste with a maximum of recycling potential.
- Reduced emissions: We leverage innovative technologies to ensure a sustained reduction of our carbon footprint.
- Efficient use of resources: At Commend, we make sure that resources are used responsibly and efficiently to prevent wastefulness.
We are passionate about sensitising our staff as well as our partners to the need for environmentally responsible behaviour. This way, we keep fostering a culture of sustainability.
The climate’s changing – and so are we, to help master the resulting challenges.
Our name says it all: Commend International is an internationally active organisation. But this does not mean that we can’t adjust and contribute our share to the reduction of CO2 emissions. To hit the spot, we have been stepping up our share of energy-efficient technologies in combination with a predominant share of renewables in our energy mix. To bring down our ecological impact and footprint even further, we keep a watchful eye on the sustainability of our resources. With longevity as a hallmark characteristic of our products, we also aim to preserve nature and its resources for many generations to come.
Got any suggestions or questions about our environmental or sustainability initiatives? Write to us at eco-trust@commend.com, we look forward to hearing from you.
People at Commend
Speech – that most human of activities – forms the basis of our solutions. We believe it’s essential to promote the human factor also in the processes, workflows and corporate culture where these solutions originate. Fairness, respect, mutual support and teamwork are the natural elements of a pleasant and productive working atmosphere.
Despite the much-touted trend towards AI and automation, our human staff are – and will continue to be – Commend’s most prized asset.