Smart & Safe Cities

  • Company News

A ground-breaking collaboration between Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Commend International is set to revolutionize safety measures in cities. By integrating advanced noise level measurement technology, cities can now quickly recognize and respond to potential threats to ensure rapid assistance in critical situations.

Traditional security measures often rely solely on video surveillance, resulting in both privacy concerns and limited situational awareness. Commend has recognized this gap and partnered with Salzburg University of Applied Sciences to develop a new approach.

As part of this partnership, sophisticated systems for measuring noise levels will be strategically installed in urban areas. These systems can distinguish between normal urban noise and unusual disturbances such as traffic accidents or unexpected social unrest. If anomalies are detected, the system displays the location at the control center and triggers an alarm. This allows security forces to selectively activate video surveillance when necessary to gain real-time situational awareness without constantly violating citizens' privacy.

The collaboration goes beyond technological innovation and promotes valuable hands-on experience for students at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. By participating in innovative projects like this, students gain first-hand insights into product development and new technologies, while Commend benefits from new perspectives and the recruitment of new talent.

This ground-breaking solution will be presented at international trade fairs focusing on urban/transport planning and smart cities to demonstrate its potential for improving safety and quality of life in cities worldwide. With this innovative approach, cities will not only be able to see, but also literally hear the difference in urban safety measures.