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Integrate with Commend and let's start to collaborate

Commend Technology Partner Program

Integration Zone

Let’s join forces to provide solutions and complementary systems

  • Satisfied customers – Smart systems complement each other so customers can get the solutions they want.
  • A partnership with many benefits – Joint marketing of our interfaces and solutions allows us to open up bigger markets Take advantage of our worldwide distribution network.
  • Quality and reliability – Or laboratories perform trials and test runs on new versions to maintain high compatibility and quality standards. Results are documented and certified – see “Certified” programme for details.
  • Certification – provides reassurance to customers and supports the sales process.
  • Support and Contact – Technology Partners benefit from constantly available contact and support services. Together we can develop new ideas, solutions and innovations.
  • There is so much we can achieve together!


Become a Commend Technology Partner

System Testing  
Project-specific tests
Test system set up at Commend (to be provided by technology partners) 
Comprehensive testing and quality control provided by Commend 
Documentation and Certification  
Basic documentation and system descriptions
Access to Commend Extranet (Software and Documentation)
Notification when new updates are available
Commend documentation and manuals 
Certification and confirmation 
Contact and Support  
Personal contact
Access to trainings and workshops 
Technical project support 
Use of technology partners’ logos
Inclusion on the List of Commend Technology Partners on Commend web sites
Inclusion on the List of Technology Partners and presentation of Technology Partners’ interfaces in the Commend Product Catalogue 
Worldwide marketing activities (newsletters, fairs/exhibitions, case studies, etc.)