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Tradeshows and Events

Visit Commend on tradeshows all over the world!


We are looking forward to welcoming you!

This year as well there will be opportunities to see Commend Intercom solutions on tradeshow all over the world. There we will provide you with information on news and you will have to opportunity to discuss your Intercom needs with the specialists from the Commend Partners.

21 to 23 août 2024


Bogota, Colombia

03 to 06 septembre 2024


Hamburg, Germany

23 to 25 septembre 2024

GSX 2024

Orlando, FL

24 to 27 septembre 2024


Hamburg, Germany

26 septembre 2024


Commend Österreich Zentrale, Salzburg

23 to 24 octobre 2024

Security Canada Central

Laval, QC

14 to 15 novembre 2024

Bari - Italy

19 to 21 novembre 2024


Amsterdam, Netherlands