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Commend UK Account Managers

Always Here To Help


Are you looking for assistance with a new project? Do you have a technical question or need help in deciding how to expands your existing system? Contact us to take advantage of our comprehensive range of services.

James Dickens Sales

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7929 081 673
  • E-mail

Abbie Barker MARKETING

  • +44 (0)1279 872 029
  • +44 (0)7809 583509
  • E-mail


Andy Tuck

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7951 756 295
  • E-mail

Simon Gunton

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7785 426 239
  • E-mail

Mary Hutton

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7866 797 164
  • E-mail

Emily Homer

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7584 474 989
  • E-mail

Simon Jeff

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7929 081 670
  • E-mail

Ian Langmead BID

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7939 998 628
  • E-mail

Gemma Williams

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7970 791 723
  • E-mail

Nick Emberson

Lloyd Head Engineering

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7813 042547
  • E-mail

Paul Abbott Projects

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7785 627671
  • E-mail

Darren Kitchener

  • +44 (0)1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7584 474 988
  • E-mail

Hannah Waters

  • +44 1279 872 020
  • +44 (0)7956 119 911
  • E-mail