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Manufacturing Industry

Industry & Commerce

Factories, production lines, warehouses, distribution centres, and laboratories: they all need integrated communication systems for operational and security purposes. Commend provides tailored solutions for smooth workflows. Keeping downtimes and set-up times at a minimum allows for steady production and keeps profits up.  


  • Automobile industry
  • Food industry
  • Production plants and workshops
  • Woodworking industry
  • Textile industry
  • Storage areas and logistics

Applications and Key Benefits

  • Protecting lives and corporate assets.
  • Efficient, well-coordinated warnings, alarms and evacuation support in emergency situations.
  • Instant communication of vital information to all or selected areas/zones.
  • Built-in automatic early warning of emerging system problems.
  • Compliance with legal and corporate regulations.
  • Safe to operate in areas with explosive atmospheres.
  • Optimising workflows and boosting efficiency through communication.
  • Reducing risk of workplace accidents and hazards.
  • Fast call connections and superior ease of use.
  • Conference calls (“party lines”) for fast information distribution.
  • Group calls and announcements via Intercom stations.
  • Integration of PA/GA, mobile radio communication and telephones (land-lines and mobile radio) into the Intercom system.
  • Integration of other systems like CCTV and building management systems on a single operating platform.
  • Saves money by eliminating the need for extra hardware.
  • Enhanced functionality, thanks to individual systems pooling their resources and working. together in a team-like fashion.
  • Reduced complexity, thanks to seamless, fail-safe interfaces.
  • Secure, restricted access to industrial premises or specific areas for authorised personnel.   
  • Protecting material assets and corporate information.
  • Monitoring, control and automation of various industrial equipment.
  • Event logging and audio/video recording.
  • Solutions for Manufacturing Industry
  • Superior Speech intelligibility in noisy industrial environments

    Extra high volume capacity – Active background noise suppression – Intelligent Volume Control (IVC) – 16 kHz eHD Voice speech quality
  • Access Control and Communication at doors and barriers

    Access Control and Communication at doors and barriers
    • Secured vehicular and pedestrian access to the site and to individual areas/zones. Calls that cannot be answered immediately can be forwarded automatically to mobile devices.
    • Integration of access readers and access control systems.
    • Modules for integration in barrier gates at entrance and exit points.
    • Perfect speech intelligibility even in case of loud traffic noise.
  • Gatekeeper workplace

    Gatekeeper workplace
    • Intercom Station models for answering door/barrier calls, paging persons in the building, etc.
    • Automatic call forwarding (Intercom station / mobile radio / land-line telephone) if gatekeeper desk is temporarily unattended.
    • Intercom Client app for (internal/external) mobile phone and tablet devices allows for location-independent use of communication and control functions.
  • Communication support for production facilities with stringent hygienic standards

    Communication support for production facilities with stringent hygienic standards
    • In-house communication for hygienically sensitive production halls (e. g., food industry)
    • Closed-sealed membrane surface
    • Special anti-bacterial membrane
    • Resistant against detergents and disinfectants
  • Stations for rough production environments

    Stations for rough production environments
    • Sturdy enclosure with double-walled design that withstands extreme stress
    • Surface resistant against chemicals and harsh climate influence (heat/cold)
    • Protected against water, dust and dirt, as per IP 66
    • Integrated 25-Watt amplifier for noisy environments
    • Front panels with integrated modules as per customer requirements
    • Camera Module for keeping an extra watchful eye on things
  • Public Address via IP connections

    Public Address via IP connections
    • IP Amplifiers and IP Loudspeakers (projector, horn loudspeaker, ceiling speakers), ready for plug-in network connection
    • Voice announcements for production halls and warehouses
    • Playback of pre-recorded voice messages for information, warning and evacuation purposes (addressable to individual production halls or across all connected sites)
    • Activation of media players for background music or radio feeds
  • Lift Emergency Calls

    Lift Emergency Calls
    The Intercom panel in the lift car performs constant self-monitoring and testing routines. It is therefore maintenance-free in compliance with EN 81.
  • More than just communication

    Commend products come with built-in inputs and outputs for control, monitoring and automation purposes.
  • Integration of mobile radio communication systems

    Integration of mobile radio communication systems
    • Integration of mobile radio communication (TETRA / Analogue).
    • Simultaneous scanning of up to 8 channels (channel mixing), allowing operators to follow conversations on several channels simultaneously.
    • One or more radio channels selectable at the simple touch of a button.
    • Display of caller identity (ISSI) and Status message transfer (SDS)
  • Integrated System

    Integrated System

    Interfaces / Input – Output control
    • Integration of operating radio (Tetra and Analog)
    • Integration of telephone-lines and VoIP systems (SIP/IAX)
    • Control of visual warnig signals and displays
    • Interfaces to third-party systems, such as video surveillance and building management systems (OPC)
    • Active monitoring of input signals for various purposes, such as fire or burglar alarms
    • Control of output signals, e.g. doors and barriers
    • Customized accessibility like EIB-Bus
  • Permanent availability through system self-monitoring

    Permanent availability through system self-monitoring

    Every call guaranteed to get through – 24/7
    • Intercom Stations come equipped with automated functionality self-monitoring (loudspeaker/microphone self-monitoring)
    • Connection monitoring
    • Redundant server fail-safety and dynamic call forwarding
    • Saves costs by eliminating the need for manual function testing
  • Networking

    Sites can be networked and managed from one central control center.
  • Easy Control Desk management

    Overview – Surveillance – Control
    Easy Control Desk management
    Control Desk systems by Commend provide a continuous system-wide overview to support instant reaction in case of an emergency. Thanks to the highly user-friendly GUI, managing even complex Intercom networks or video and control functions is a breeze.
    • Call management is tailored to the needs and workflows of the application environment
    • Calls can be forwarded automatically to other Control Desks, Intercom stations (stationary or mobile), or to land-line telephones
    • Automatic call distribution at peak times, including automatic call prioritisation
  • Software solutions for Industry Control Desks

    Audio – Video – Data
    Software solutions for Industry Control Desks
    • Indication of the calling terminal’s location, and optional automatic display of a video/CCTV connection
    • Information from and control of different systems on one visual operating platform
    • Event logging
    • Audio and/or video recording
  • Options

    • Software Intercom Client for mobile devices
    • Various Intercom Stations for Operations Communication
    • Intercom Modules for e.g. lifts
Your integrated Security and Communication Solution for the manufacturing industry is just one click away

Case Study Manufacturing Industry